Source code for opentnsim.model

"""Vessel generator."""

# package(s) related to time, space and id
import json
import logging
import uuid

# you need these dependencies (you can get these from anaconda)
# package(s) related to the simulation
import simpy
import networkx as nx

# spatial libraries
import pyproj
import shapely.geometry

# additional packages
import datetime, time
import pandas as pd
import random

# import core from self
import opentnsim.core as core

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VesselGenerator: """ A class to generate vessels from a database """ def __init__(self, vessel_type, vessel_database, loaded=None, random_seed=3): """ Initialization """ self.vessel_type = vessel_type self.vessel_database = vessel_database self.loaded = loaded random.seed(random_seed)
[docs] def generate(self, environment, vessel_name, scenario=None): """ Generate a vessel """ vessel_info = self.vessel_database.sample( n=1, random_state=int(1000 * random.random()) ) vessel_data = {} vessel_data["env"] = environment vessel_data["name"] = vessel_name if scenario: vessel_info = vessel_info[vessel_info["scenario"] == scenario] for key in vessel_info: if key == "vessel_id": vessel_data["id"] = vessel_info[key].values[0] else: vessel_data[key] = vessel_info[key].values[0] if self.loaded == True: vessel_data["level"] = vessel_data["capacity"] elif self.loaded == "Random": if random.random() < 0.5: vessel_data["level"] = vessel_data["capacity"] else: vessel_data["level"] = 0 vessel_data["route"] = None vessel_data["geometry"] = None return self.vessel_type(**vessel_data)
[docs] def arrival_process( self, environment, origin, destination, arrival_distribution, scenario, arrival_process, ): """ Make arrival process environment: simpy environment arrival_distribution: specify the distribution from which vessels are generated, int or list arrival_process: process of arrivals """ # Create an array with inter-arrival times -- average number of seconds between arrivals if type(arrival_distribution) == int or type(arrival_distribution) == float: self.inter_arrival_times = [3600 / arrival_distribution] * 24 elif type(arrival_distribution) == list and len(arrival_distribution) == 24: self.inter_arrival_times = [3600 / n for n in arrival_distribution] elif type(arrival_distribution) == list: raise ValueError( "List should contain an average number of vessels per hour for an entire day: 24 entries." ) else: raise ValueError( "Specify an arrival distribution: type Integer or type List." ) while True: # Check simulation time inter_arrival = self.inter_arrival_times[ datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( ] # In the case of a Markovian arrival process if arrival_process == "Markovian": # Make a timestep based on the poisson process yield environment.timeout(random.expovariate(1 / inter_arrival)) elif arrival_process == "Uniform": # Make a timestep based on uniform arrivals yield environment.timeout(inter_arrival) else: raise ValueError( "No other arrival processes are yet defined. You can add them to transport_network_analysis/" ) # Create a vessel vessel = self.generate(environment, "Vessel", scenario) vessel.env = environment vessel.route = nx.dijkstra_path(environment.FG, origin, destination) vessel.geometry = nx.get_node_attributes(environment.FG, "geometry")[ vessel.route[0] ] environment.vessels.append(vessel) # Move on path environment.process(vessel.move())
[docs]class Simulation(core.Identifiable): """ A class to generate vessels from a database """ def __init__(self, simulation_start, graph, scenario=None): """ Initialization scenario: scenario with vessels - should be coupled to the database """ self.environment = simpy.Environment( initial_time=time.mktime(simulation_start.timetuple()) ) self.environment.FG = graph self.environment.routes = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( { "Origin": [], "Destination": [], "Width": [], "Height": [], "Depth": [], "Route": [], } ) self.scenario = scenario self.environment.vessels = []
[docs] def add_vessels( self, origin, destination, vessel = None, vessel_generator = None, arrival_distribution=1, arrival_process="Markovian", ): """ Make arrival process environment: simpy environment arrival_distribution: specify the distribution from which vessels are generated, int or list arrival_process: process of arrivals """ if vessel_generator == None: self.environment.vessels.append(vessel) self.environment.process(vessel.move()) else: self.environment.process( vessel_generator.arrival_process( self.environment, origin, destination, arrival_distribution, self.scenario, arrival_process, ) )
[docs] def run(self, duration=24 * 60 * 60): """ Run the simulation duration: specify the duration of the simulation in seconds """ + duration)